23rd March 2022

Solid­ar­ity Con­cert with Ukraine

Iceland Symphony Orchestra in Harpa on Thursday 24 March.

The Iceland Symphony Orchestra will hold a special solidarity concert with the Ukrainian people on Thursday 24 March at 19:30 in Eldborg. Ticket sales go directly to Iceland’s National Association of People with Intellectual Disabilities for the Disabled in Ukraine.

Masterpieces by three of history's most beloved composers will be performed at this concert, along with works by Ukrainian composer Valentin Silvestrov. Conductor is Kornilios Michailidis and soloist is Simos Papanas, one of Greece's leading violinists. The soloist is Hildigunnur Einarsdóttir and the presenter is Halla Oddný Magnúsdóttir. The Icelandic Opera Choir sings during the break.

Before the concert, outstanding musicians will perform in Hörpuhorn on the 2 floor and play in support of Ukraine. Admission is free to music performances in Hörpuhorn and everyone is welcome.

Program in Hörpuhorn

17: 30—18: 00 Maximús Músíkús offers a family lesson with the Duo Stemma.

18: 00—18: 20 Mikolaj Ólafur Frach, pianist performs Sónata in B minor Op. 35 by Chopin.

18: 20—18: 40 Violetta: Alexandra Chernyshova, soprano and Rúnar Þór Guðmundsson, tenor perform a singing program together with pianist Helgi Már Hannesson.

18: 40—19: 00 The Iceland Symphony Orchestra's wind band plays pearls of the day.

19: 00—19: 20 The Icelandic Opera: Nathalía Druzin Halldórsdóttir mezzo-soprano and Elena Postumi pianist.

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Entertainment for children and families

Harpa invites children and their families to the interactive exhibition Hringátta / Circuleight between 18-19, free of charge. Hljóðhimnar will be open longer on this day or until 19:00 and as before, admission is free. Hljóðhimnars is a space for children and families where you can discover the magical world of sound and tones in a unique way.

Refreshments and restaurants

All profits from restaurant sales and the restaurants La Primavera and Hnoss in Harpa from 17-22 on the day of the concert will also go to the relief work. Further information and table reservations.

Art auction

Listval on the first floor will include an auction of works of art to support the issue. The auction starts on Thursday 24 March at 18.00 and lasts until 31 March. It will be possible to see all the art work in Listval in Harpa on these days, but the auction itself will take place on Listval's website. It will be open until 20.00 on the day of the concert.

Enjoy an amazing time in Harpa and contribute to the support of the Ukrainian people.
