Classical, Classical and Contemporary Music, Music

Korda Sam­fónía - The Truth Lives In Between

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3.000 kr

Next event

Sunday 2nd June - 19:30



"...Truth is not born nor is it found inside a person's head, it is born between people who collectively search for truth, in their communication and dialogue."
? Bakhtin M.M.

Over the past three years, Korda Samfónía has become a well-known and recognised feature within the Icelandic music scene. The band's annual concerts have received excellent reviews, e.g. Jónas Sen gave the Korda Samfónía's first concert in Elborg 2021 four stars, saying: ´The performance of those who are dealing with burnout and a range of crises weighed the most here, and the results were incredibly beautiful.´  ( Jónas Sen, Fréttablaðið maí 2021) Arndís Björk Ásgeirsdóttir wrote for Heimildin about Korda's last concert in Silfurbergi in May 2023: ´Korda Samfónia is a magnificent project that proves that nothing is as enriching as music and creativity. May it continue to grow and thrive.´ (Arndís Björk Ásgeirsdóttir, Heimilding maí 2023)

Korda Samfónía was nominated for the Icelandic Music Awards for its debut concert in 2022 and received the Icelandic Music Award's motivational prize on the Day of Icelandic Music on December 1st, 2023 for ´using music in creative ways to encourage and empower people to be more active in society´.

The music of Korda Samfónía is moving and powerful, composed by all band members together!

The band members are students at the Iceland University of the Arts and people at different stages of rehabilitation after life-changing traumas and ill health.

Korda is characterised by a friendly, supportive and creative atmosphere where people work together, create, learn, develop and grow.

Korda is a collaboration between MetamorPhonics, the Iceland University of the Arts, Reykjavík City of Music, Harpa and vocational rehabilitation centers around the country. The project is funded by the Reykjavík City Fund, Styrktarsjóður geðheilbrigðis, the Iceland Public Health Fund and the Iceland Music Fund.

The artistic director is Sigrún Sævarsdóttir-Griffiths



The ticket prices are as follows:


3.000 kr.


Silfurberg is a large conference hall on the second floor, with theatre style seating for an audience of up to 840.